Thursday, 8 August 2013

London, Lace & Ludovico Einaudi

 I was in the Brick Lane area of London last weekend.
 Look at these beautiful laces I picked up.
This is a tiny selection of what I got.

While I have a look through my treasures I am listening to my new CD from the concert I went to at the Barbican.  The music of Ludovico Einaudi was so powerful I thought I was going to stop breathing at some points. No wonder it was fully sold out every night.


  1. Oh My word Lynn. You have bought some truly stunning pieces of lace. I love them all. I think I need to visit London :-) xxx

  2. Hi Lynn,
    Thanks so much for visiting the Zendoll Workshop! Took me a few days to get over to your land of lace, but I can see that you and Colette have much in common. I usually give her any bits of lace and fabric I find - like you, she breathes new life into it.
